You are looking at the HTML representation of the XML format.
HTML is good for debugging, but probably is not suitable for your application.
See complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapfrom="Rekult vol.2" />
      <page pageid="3890" ns="0" title="Registry">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">= syn&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;cat registries =

== OID ==

General information on OIDs can be found on [ this website].

syn&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;cat has the OID &quot;private enterprise&quot; number (PEN)'''37126''' under the internet OID
This is the authoritative registry for allocations under that node.

 1: use by syn&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;cat
 1.1: configuration and directory data (e.g. LDAP)
 1.1.1: email domains and users delegated to file /etc/ldap/schema/exim.schema on
 1.1.2: custom syn&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;cat ldap schema /etc/ldap/schema/syn2cat.schema
 2 and following: delegated to members or other organisation. Currently none.
 2.42: used by [[User:destructive|destructive]]</rev>
      <page pageid="843" ns="0" title="Rekult">
          <rev xml:space="preserve">{{Project
|intro=Do walls dream of recycled sheep?
|contact=SteveClement, Tschew
|what=Rekultivating electronics
= Rekultivating electronics =


the enervotron machine is now displayed in the entry area of the hackerspace.

it has gathered a WiFi connection, some enhancement in the bootup sequence and a large decorative PCB has been fitted.

== Inputs ==

=== Analog ===
* Thermistor
* Flex Sensors
* Accelerometor
* Solar Panel
* Dynamo
* Hall Effect Sensor
* Max Sonar (Schall Sensor)

=== Digital ===
* Infrared Sensor
* Switch
* Ball Switch

=== Miscellaneous ===
* Microphone
* Camera
* Tone Generator
* GSM Card
* GSM Phones
* Bluetooth

== Outputs ==

* Audio
** Festival
** Wav/Mp3
* Piezo Beeper
* TFT Screen
* LCD Display
* LED's
* Dual 7-Segment
* Internet (Twitter et al.)

== CPU's ==

* ANYduino (Mega, Mini, Pro etc...)
* VIA Based i386 Ubuntu Machine
* Old IBM Laptop, headless

== Schools of Handling ==

* Threads
* Events

=== Dirty Jobs ===

==== Arduino vs. CPU ====

One decision we had to take was: Who does the job(s)?

With well over 16 inputs that have to be dealt with 'quasi' simultaneously it worth the thought.

You could either let the Arduino grab ALL the inputs in it's loop and dump it on the Serial interface OR let the CPU ask for a very Specific input.

We chose the latter for the obvious speed reason.

==== Language ====

We decided to use Python for the sensor interface part and some of the graphing.
Interfacing the Arduino via Python is &quot;easy&quot; - - and with 115200 baud over the USBtoSerial is fast enough too.

==== Arduino Mega ====

Analog In 0 is reserved due to main_loopage
Analog In 1 to 15 will be used for all the Analog Inputs
PWM 2- 12
Pins 22 thourough 53 will be reserved for Led and Piezo output

=== Samples ===

Sound samples will all be CC.
7 Piano samples will be used and approximately 10 voices.
Dynamic Samples will be created by the wall users via the attached microphone.

=== Circuit Bending ===

=== Drawdio Space ===</rev>